Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog Post #7

Wendy Drexler:The Networked Student

Wendy Drexler's video about The 21st Century was very interesting. Drexler talked about how a student went to class where a teacher hardly ever lectured. He attended class twice a week physically and three times a week online. The online component sort of helped the student to learn and teach himself with the guidance of the teacher.

Drexler talks about the theory of Connectivism, which means that learning occurs as part of social network with many diverse connections and ties. This theory is practiced through technology of course. This theory allows the student to become proactive in the learning process. The student is given a list of tasks to complete and explore on his own. The instructor is simply there to help him build his network, organize the info, offer guidance when the student gets stuck, show him the difference between good information and propagandam, amongst many other duties listed within the video.

This video overall taught me alot about the 21st century classrooms. In many ways similiar to Drexler's theory, this is how EDM 310 is conducted. This type of learning teaches the student time managament and shows the student that a teacher is merely a resource when one gets stuck, not a crutch to ween answers out of to questions that one is fully capable of finding out themselves. Im sure the connectivism theory is one that will be maybe modified for different school systems and grade levels, but definitely incorporated into learning sometime in the near future for every classroom. Students today are already so dependent on computers to gain access to information that learning from teachers through simple classroom lectures is something that is quickly becoming ineffective. Connectivism will soon be the only way that teachers will be able to "connet with their students.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

This video was really nice. A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is about a student in a paperless science class. She explores all the different aspects of the internet and how much they benefit her. This student talks about how she has a webpage that she visits everytime she goes to class to see what the assignments for the day are. She even has links to pages that she is required to view and write blogs about before she can hold certain animals in her class such as the leopard gecko. The student is allowed to used skype as well as email to communicate with other teachers around the world for research and other assignments that may interest her that are science related. She goes on to say that the internet can be distracting at times but it also allows them to show how responsible they are.

This video was awesome. I jotted down some of the things that she talked about in the video in hopes to incorporate them in my language arts or creative writing class one day. This is a sensational idea that I believe will soon sweep the nation. Hopefully all teachers will soon see how helpful the internet can be with going green, more effective learning, and other classroom techniques!


  1. Hi Asaunte, My name is Ardriana and I will be commenting on your blog this week. I love your blog post and I think it is excellent that you took notes and hope to one day use the ideas in your own class room. With that said, I did not see any errors in this particular blog. Keep up the good work and be blessed!

  2. That leopard gecko is the oddest looking amphibian I may have ever seen! Good job on the post.

  3. Hello Asaunte. My name is Jenna, and I will be commenting on your post this week. I loved how involvesd with this post you got. Most people don't put time and effort into it as you did. The only negative thing I found are a few spelling errors. In the second paragraph, the word "propagandam" should be "propaganda". In the second paragraph, the words " alot, similiar, managament, ween, Im, and connet" should be spelled differently. These few words are minor mistakes. If you pull up word before you publish a post, it will spell correct for you. Other than that, keep up the good work.

