Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog Post #4

Listening and Comprehension Podcast

The topic of this podcast was listening and comprehension. Ms. Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano is a former world language teacher who created this blog about effective learning of different languages by creating podcasts. Tolisano talks about how important it is to attch feelings to a word in order to make it mean something. I thought that this was a really cool way to think of a word when trying to learn it in a different language. Like the word "love" for example; Without meaning love is just a word, but if one associates the word to a passionately happy feeling, then the word begins to mean something to someone when they use it.

Tolisano also talks about the recording and editing process of podcasts. She talks about how the creation process of the podcast gives the learners a chance to interactively learn by reading the sound and hearing their voices say the words. I thought that this would be a cool way for learners to correct themselves. Sheesh why wasn't this invented when I was learning a foreign language?!

Podcasts in the Classroom

This was a video podcast by Joe Dale about how podcasts work well in the classroom. Dale refers to the learners in our classroom today as "millinials." These are kids typically born after 1980 and have not lived much of their life without some sort of technoligical influence. Podcasts in the classroom is a great way to use technology for educational influence. Dale shows us how using podcasts inside the classroom can graps the attention of the learners more efficiently. There is also an interview with Harry Dell, a middle school history teacher, about how podcastiing has effected his teaching methods. Dell uses the podcasts to animate characters during reading lessons from different exerpts in his lessons. He uses the different voices to make the podcasts more engaging for the learners and more interesting to listen to. The students also gave feed back about the podcast. They all seemed to really enjoy the idea of this interactive learning method through podcasts.

Podcast Collection

This podcast was by far my favorite. It is a podcast by Judy Scarf that gives you great tips on how to make a great blog. There were even two website included, How to Create a Podcast and Podcasting, that showed you step by step instructions on how to create a great podcast. This podcasting tip collection lists all the tips to succeed. There was something that was a list of periods to creating a podcasts. It states that every period is 42 minutes, there are 9 periods devoted to using audacity(the podcasting program) and a total of 17 periods to successfull create a great podcast. This podcast was something that I idefinitely bookmarked to my favortites because it is a very useful site and I know tht it will benefit me in the future with EDM 310.

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